Student Tips
Reporting Periods
Blue Jay International Academy issues a midterm report card midway through the semester and a final report card within one week of the final exam of each semester.
The Blue Jay Student Expectations
Blue Jay International Academy follows the guidelines and direction in the Ministry of Education’s policy/program memorandum #128 * (subject: THE PROVINCIAL CODE OF CONDUCT AND SCHOOL BOARD CODE OF CONDUCT) in promoting a safe, inclusive, and accepting school climate.
At Blue Jay, students are treated with respect and dignity. Blue Jay also expects students demonstrate respect for themselves, for others, and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behavior.
Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student:
Comes to school prepared, on time, and ready to learn;
Shows respect for himself or herself, for others, and for those in authority;
Refrains from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of others;
Follows established rules and takes responsibility for his or her own actions.

Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures
Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism
Blue Jay International Academy requires academic honesty from all students. This requires students to always submit original work and to give credit to all research sources correctly and consistently.
Plagiarism is intentionally or unintentionally using another person's words or ideas and presenting them as one's own. It includes submitting an essay written by another student, allowing a student to submit your work, obtaining one from the many services provided on the Internet or copying sections from various documents and not acknowledging the original source. It is a serious offence that may result insignificant academic consequences.
Other dishonest practices include faking or falsifying data, cheating, or the uttering of false statements by a student in order to obtain unjustified marks or special treatment. Plagiarism is deliberate dishonesty and include, but is not limited to, the following forms:
Impersonating a candidate in an exam or test.
copying from another student, or making information available to other students knowing that this is to be submitted as the borrower's own work.
use of unauthorized material.
submitting an essay written in whole or in part by someone else as one's own.
submitting an essay copied in whole or in part from the internet and submitted as one's own
preparing an essay or assignment on behalf of another student.
copying an essay or assignment, or allowing one's essay or assignment to be copied by someone else.
using direct quotations or large sections of paraphrased material without acknowledgment.
the buying or selling of assignments.
submitting a work from one course as work in another course